Hello spooky Trick or Treaters!

It’s Halloween again, admittedly, one of my favorite times of year. Every October, I look forward to putting together my Halloween top 10 list for my spooktacular Halloween BTM issue… but this year, I thought I might do a little something different. I invite you all to celebrate the Halloween spirit with me!


A few weeks back, my good pal Dinosaurprince reminded me of my love of Classic Horror comics and magazines, such as Eerie, Terror Tales and of course, Witches’ Tales! Seems he stumbled upon a wonderful video over on You Tube that he was kind enough to send my way. The video in question actually takes illustrations from the covers of some of those very Classic Horror magazines and animates it – brilliantly I might add – to the tune of the Johnson-Smith Novelty Company “Horror Record”. This is a fantastic trip down memory lane, and I have to say that for me, it was a great way to kick off this year’s Halloween season. Check this out. It’s well worth sitting through the entire thing.

Some of us remember those old black and white magazines that scared the poop out of us as kids. My parents were quite clear: I wast NOT supposed to have copies of these magazines. I didn’t care! Like most kids, I had them anyway, secretly hiding them under my mattress and waiting until bedtime to read them. And then, the nightmares began! LOL! Of course as I got older, the Horror magazines under my mattress were replaced by porno magazines, but these Classic Horror gems always held a very special palace in my heart.

Classic Horror magazine covers! FRIGHTENING STUFF!

I couldn’t wait to share this year’s Halloween issue cover with you! It’s a liberal reinterpretation of the “Witches’ Tales” March 1972 cover. I replaced the helpless damsel with a helpless – and less clothed – young hunk. I employed some artistic license with the vampire and werewolf/hunchback characters to come up with this deliciously horrific and evil cover concoction. Yes, it’s violent… yes it’s frightening! Yes… it’s HALLOWEEN!

Being an adult now (most of the time at any rate), it also occurred to me that the covers to these Classic Horror magazines regularly perpetrated bloody violence against cowering, helpless women. So those of you who may find this year’s Halloween issue cover a tad… I dunno… “OUCH”… should keep in mind that sometimes, a role reversal is fair game. HA! HA! HA!

Thank you to Dinosaurprince for sending this link to me and for reminding me that these now rare and cherished magazines were a huge part of my Halloween dreams as a kid.

This year's BOYTOONS MAGAZINE HALLOWEEN issue cover was inspired by the cover of WITCHES' TALES, March 1972 issue cover.


It doesn’t have to be Halloween for me to get excited about Zombies. They are my favorite fictional (fictional up to this point, anyhow… you just never know the way the world is going! Mwah-ha! Ha!) monsters and thanks to their recent comeback, now they even star in television’s number 1 show. Of course I am referring to AMC’s fantastic WALKING DEAD! Season 2 just started up, so be sure to tune in.

I love Zombies and seek them out in books, movies and video games like some rabid freak.  But can Zombies be sexy! Ewwww… I kinda don’t think so… and yet, BEHOLD the brand new ZOMBIE DILDO, fresh… or not so fresh… from the freaky minds of the Fleshlight folks! What can I tell you, there is something undeniably desirable about this rotted, decomposing, undead member. I swear, I want one only to keep it on my desk in my studio… because I dunno if I could actually bear the thought of uhm, playing with it. LOL!

The Fleshligh freaks "Zombie Dildo"! Get your decomposing member today!

The Fleshlight folks have thought of everything, and also offer up a lovely rotten Zombie vagina Fleshlight for those of you preferring the undead of the female gender! The sculpting on these things is brilliant, and actually incredibly artistic. They’re fantastic… and fantastically CREEPY!!! :D  The Zombie Dildo is part of the “Fleshlight Freaks” line or horrific dills, which also features an alien, drac, Frankenstein and cyborg model, all equally alluringly creepy!

If you still need proof that Zombies can be sexy, then have a look at this hunky walker, beautifully created, and attentively (and morbidly :D) detailed by the lovely and talented Caravaggia. Hey… don’t feel weird if you pop wood looking at this stud… you won’t be the first to do so. Erm… or so I’m told!

"Speeerrrm!" Is there such a thing as a Sexy Zombie? You be the judge! Art by Caravaggia.


Nothing scares the crud out of you more than a truly well crafted Horror Novel, and I LIVE to read these things, especially around Halloween. I just finished reading an incredible book entitled “OUTPOST” by Adam Baker, and I literally could not put it down. And believe me, if I get bored at any point during a book, to the fringes it goes, unfinished and forgotten. I almost cried when I finished Outpost… like saying goodbye to a great friend, that’s how sad I was that I’d finished it so quickly! LOL!

Any book that opens with the line… “Jane woke, stretched, and decided to kill herself” is coming home with me! OUTPOST is about the end of the world, and Baker’s spin on the demise of mankind is like nothing I’ve ever read before. I am a HUGE fan of post-apocalyptic horror novels… so believe me when I say, I’ve read a ton and this one is FRESH!

“They took the job to escape the world. They didn’t expect the world to end. Kasker Rampart: a derelict refinery platform moored in the Arctic Ocean. A skeleton crew of fifteen fight boredom and despair as they wait for a relief ship to take them home. But the world beyond their frozen wasteland has gone to hell. Cities lie ravaged by a global pandemic. One by one TV channels die, replaced by silent wavebands. The Rampart crew are marooned. They must survive the long Arctic winter, then make their way home alone. They battle starvation and hypothermia, unaware that the deadly contagion that has devastated the world is heading their way…”

"OUTPOST" written by Adam Baker. One of the most thrilling Horror books I've ever read!

What’s so bloody magnificent about this book is that Baker’s writing style is as stark and bold as the story he’s telling. I LOVE THIS MAN’S WRITING! You know how some authors are in love with the sound of their own pens? Not Baker. He gets to the point. Beautifully and skillfully so, without pretension. He writes for his reader, and his characters are superbly flawed, and yet undeniably real. You can’t help but to put yourself in their snowboots!

Fans of John Carpenter’s “The Thing” and of Zombie apocalypses (though Zombies aren’t what’s going on in this creatively-fresh page turner), READ THIS BOOK! If you love a compelling and frightening read that deals with the end of times, you will love “Outpost”. Mr. baker, if you read this, please oh please write more books soon! I believe I’m quite addicted to your writing!


Getting into the Halloween spirit doesn’t just mean buying spooky books, decaying dildos or watching scary movies. In fact, one of my favorite Halloween activities is touring Halloween attractions. Fraser and I decided this year that we would go to the infamous DUNBAR HAUNTED HOUSE in Vancouver. All proceeds from the attraction are donated to local charities, and believe me when I tell you that the organizers of this event go ALL OUT and pull no punches!

The 7th Annual Dunbar Haunted House! Great, spooky fun for adult trick or treaters!

We met our 4 friends for dinner at a restaurant called “Transylvania”!!! I KID YOU NOT! How’s that for a Halloween theme. After dinner we headed to the warehouse district where the Halloween Haunted House attraction was set up. The line-up wasn’t too bad (as it was still several days before Halloween), and actually a lot of fun anyway, because there were zombies and killer clowns stalking people in the line!  I got a photo with a particularly gruesome zombie, and I don’t mind telling you, it’s a HORRIBLE photo of yours truly, so I must really love you guys to post this here! LOL! Special thanks to my lovely friend Maggie for snapping this hideous photo of me! Can you feel my fear, folks… or my many chins?!?! YIKES! LOL!

This could possibly be the very WORST photo of me, EVER... but what the Hell, I'm in the Halloween spirit so I choose to scare you with it! HA! HA! HA! And my Zombie pal was AMAZING!

The attraction itself was a blast. This year, it seemed that demented clowns were a big part of their theme (hence why I’m including my fan art of Shivers from the movie Fear of Clowns in this post!).

Shivers the Clown from the wicked film "Fear of Clowns"! Fan Art by Patrick Fillion.

Anyway, back to the haunted house… I don’t mind telling you I was the bravest of us 6! My friends Isabelle and Mickael practically wet themselves and kept screaming like 3 year old girls, but in their defense, it was all rather frightening. My poor Fraser screamed himself hoarse! LOL! Everything was super well set up… movie-quality props and the owner went all out. On top of things, you never knew what was not real, and what was actually a person underneath the makeup, ready to jump out at you and freak the crap out of you. A particularly disgusting chainsaw maniac chased us down a corridor… it was AWESOME! This place was “no children allowed” on account of how scary it was… So believe me when I tell you the level of horror was truly TOP NOTCH!

If you get the opportunity to check out a Halloween attraction in your area, I highly recommend it. As adults, we can’t really trick or treat any more, but we can still be big kids at heart, and these hunted house attractions are the perfect way to have a great time getting into the spirit of things!


Of course one of my favorite things about the Halloween season is all the sexy artwork it inspires. Creators of homo erotic art let their imaginations run wild around this time of year, and the results are perfectly spooky eye candy for all to feast upon!

Take a look at Cray‘s delicious werewolf hunk, you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about. I love this image! So festive and sexy and HAWT! Imagine running into that gorgeous creature of the night on your way to a Halloween party! YUMMY! :D Beautiful work, Cray! Thanks so much for treating us to this hunky wolfboy!

A super sexy Werewolf hunk created by the very-talented Cray!

If you head on over to Dinosaurprince’s Kingdom, you’ll feast upon a whole slew of sexy Halloween-themed artwork featuring some of his studliest creations as illustrated by a veritable army of artists. In fact, Belvadar, my favorite of Dinosaurprince’s boys is heavily featured this year. He’s such a sexy character, I couldn’t help myself last year… I HAD to draw him myself!

BELVADAR fan art by Patrick Fillion. Belvadar © Copyright 2011 Dinosaurprince. All rights reserved.

Yours truly gets very inspired around Halloween. You may remember how I introduced Class Comics fans to JACKO THE HALLOWEENER last year? He’s back this year again, and this time he’s giving Ghostboy a Halloween night to remember.

This fun little animation created by a pirate... And I'm not talking about his Halloween costume, either!

Ghostboy and Jacko the Halloweener in "Halloween Moon". Art and Story by Patrick Fillion.

Normally this STRIPSHOW episode would be released with the Class Comics Halloween newsletter, but I couldn’t wait for that. I had to share it with you today!


However you choose to celebrate Halloween, I wish you all a wonderfully memorable one. I hope you’ve enjoyed this year’s Halloween issue of BOYTOONS MAGAZINE, and I leave you tonight with a batch of wallpaper designs featuring this year’s cover artwork as well as some of my past Halloween artwork! Enjoy, dear friends, and Happy Halloween to you all!

Unpleasant dreams to you all! Mwah-Ha! ha! ha!
Patrick XOXOX

Happy Halloween Camili-Cat! Widescreen 1680 x 1050

Happy Halloween Camili-Cat! Standard Screen 1280 x 1024

Happy Halloween 2011! Widescreen 1680 x 1050

Happy Halloween 2011! Standard Screen 1280 x 1024

Happy Halloween Stephane! Widescreen 1680 x 1050

Happy Halloween Stephane! Widescreen 1280 x 1024

Happy Halloween Ghostboy! Widescreen 1680 x 1050

Happy Halloween Ghostboy! Standard Screen 1280 x 1024

Happy Halloween Jacko! Widescreen 1680 x 1050

Happy Halloween Jacko! Standard Screen 1280 x 1024

All Class Comics characters are © Copyright and TM 2011 Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.

All other characters © 2011 their respective owners.

The BOYTOONS MAGAZINE Halloween 2011 issue!


  1. OH WOW! I didn’t expect this! That is so cool that the video inspired you! That is an awesome retro Halloween cover. I miss these kinds of magazines. (Even though most came out long before I was around.) This is brilliant throwback to a great era. Man, I am really feeling the Halloween spirit now!!! :D Love that you included Caraggias kick ass zombie boy. He really needs more love! And Crays new werewolf is really hot stuff. Bel being here is just icing on the cake. I can’t wait to read the Ghost Boy Comic. It looks super. He seems well suited to take the love of Jacko the over affectionate Jack-O-Lantern man! XD LOL Even the pirated picture made it here eh? HA! XD Well I am glad it is finally being used for GOOD! Awesome stuff Patrick. I was greatly anticipating this years issue.

  2. Thanks a lot for featuring my werewolf picture in here Patrick! I’m so glad you liked him too, hehe. I have always been a fan of werewolves (both in human and wolf forms) so I wanted to make a good picture out of it :D
    The ghostboy comic is AWESOME, he really got what he needed hehehe.
    Halloween is such a fun celebration, I love it, but it’s too bad that in here most people don’t celebrate it because they think it’s not part of our culture (like any holiday was part of our culture at the beginning haha) but I find it really fun and entertaining.
    Your version of the old poster is so sexy and scary at the same time, I love it!
    I agree about Belvadar, he’s a really cool character, definitely one of my favorites. :D

  3. Ok, I’m gonna save the so-called speech I have every time I talk about Halloween but damn, just like Tomas I’m frustrated, so thank you all guys for setting me in the mood !

    Even though they’re hard to find in France, I remember in high school a friend of mine lent me some old black and white spooky comics and I loved them to pieces. Love the way they could tell horror stories with no colors and create complexe illustrations anyways. These comics looked cheap, smelled like old paper (what an awesome smell, I’m sure you know what I mean) and were like the creepier version of the Tales from the Crypt. Your parody is very surprising though, I didn’t realize the original covers were *that* violent… and I realize now the only thing that they missed was some sexy hunks in dangerous situations. My favorite detail is the spider piercing his nipple. Aouch !

    Love that picture of you and the monster, this must be one of these places where adults go back to behave like kids for a few hours. ^^
    Talking about zombies, have you read Max Brooks books “Zombie Survival Guide” and “World War Z” ? They give you great advices for when the zombapocalyspe will happen and sometimes he describes things so realistically that it’s scary, you wonder if it happened or not. After reading them you can help but imagining where you’d go and what you would do to survive. Better be safe, we never know what can happen. I’ve heard they are making of movie of “World War Z” with Brad Pitt… but I doubt we will see half-naked hot guys running away from zombies.

    Thank you again for featuring me in this Halloween issue ! (By the way, this zombie is getting a bit old, I should make a new one ; that definitely might happen with the come back of The Walking Dead, yay !)

  4. Hah! Ah man this is just too cool — so glad my video inspired you, sir. I couldn’t be more tickled by the results.

    Happy Halloween!

  5. Hiya Jason!

    WOW! I’m blown away! I never thought I’d hear from the creator of that spectacular video himself! Thanks so much for stopping by and a MILLION THANK YOU’S for the very kind words. I loved your video — so creative and incredibly inspirational! Thanks so much for creating it! Have a wonderful HALLOWEEN and all the very best to ya!

    Patrick :D

  6. Hello my dear Gâ-L…

    Thank you so much for the very sweet compliments! I’m so pleased you enjoyed this year’s Halloween issue… and I was so pleased to be able to include your wicked Zombie Boy in the post. I’ve always loved that illustration. I don’t find he’s getting old at all… but you know, I’m always happy to see more art by you, so if you do decide to draw a new Zombie Boy, by all means PLEASE let me see him! :D

    I loved the “Zombie Survival Guide” and “World War Z”! Max Brooks is a fabulous writer and I am very curious about the film adaptation of World War Z. Hopefully it will be as engaging as the book was!

    Lots of love to you, my dear, and thanks again for the fabulous comment! :D

    Hugz + Kisses,
    Patrick XOXOX

  7. Hello Tomas.

    You’re very welcome. I really LOVE your Werewolf illustration and I was very pleased to be able to include him in this year’s Halloween issue. I’m so pleased you enjoyed the issue in general and that you liked the Ghostboy comic. LOL! It was a lot of fun putting all that together.

    I’m preparing an up-coming post with your WONDERFUL FLAMER illustration! It won’t be long now. Once Halloween has gone by, I’ll be posting it. Thank you again for drawing him. He’s SO HOT!!!! :D

    happy Halloween to ya, buddy! Thanks again for the kind words and the wonderful artwork!

    Hugz + kisses,
    Patrick XOXOX

  8. Hiya DinosaurPrince…

    LOL! The video inspired me A TON! It was so well done, and totally just brought back so many wonderful memories… I couldn’t help myself… I had to pay homage to it and the magazines. LOL!

    I’m so pleased you enjoyed this year’s Halloween issue. I had such a great time preparing it and it’s great to hear that so many people enjoyed it. And thanks again to YOU for the great source of inspiration and for all the wonderful art. Have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN, dear friend!

    Hugz + kisses,
    Patrick XOXOX

  9. I absolutely LOVE the Ghostboy/Jacko comicstrip! Especially the part where Ghostboy protests about not being a bottom, only to be told by Jacko, “You are when I’m around, boy!” Magnificent. :-D

  10. that fleshlight stuff is awesome. I’d buy everyone of it, but I am not that much into dildos XD

  11. Musclesavage says

    Sorry if I’m a little late to comment, but here goes. This is a great idea to celebrate Halloween, Patrick. A real trip down memory lane. I have only one reservation. From the gallery of magazine covers there’s an issue of Eerie with a story about “Dax, The Damned”. Showing a buff, all but naked, barbaian that evidently does battle with the dead. A spectacular specimen worthy of Boytoons. What kind of fiend would torment with a such small thumbnail of a hot, hard muscled hunk? It’s too late now, the seed is planted in my brain. I must know more. Who knew when I stopped to check this entry that I would become possessed and my mind enslaved. Is it purely coincidence or was this a sinister scenario you devised Patrick? Either way, it’s a devilish machination to mark the night when all manner of wicked this way comes.

    This is where you throw your head back with a full throated, derisive, evil laugh, Patrick.

  12. HA! HA! HA! Hiya musclsvg!

    Yeah — that Dax the Damned cover is pretty darn mouth-watering, sin’t it? Hee! Hee! hee! I’m glad it’s fired your imagination up! Art should always do that! :D But I promise it was not devised on my part… just a nice added bonus! So glad you enjoyed the posting and all the little extras that came with it, my friend!

    Much love,
    Patrick XOXOX :D

  13. Hi Tha N…

    I know, right? It’s beautifully done! I personally would just like them all to have them on display in my studio. They’re freakin’ AWESOME!

    Cheers and thanks for the comment!
    Patrick XOXOX :)

  14. Hee! Hee! Hee! Hiya G-Man…

    Thanks so much for the very kind words regarding Ghostboy’s encounter with Jacko! I’m thrilled you enjoyed it and I too love Jacko a little forceful! LOL! Besides, Ghostboy didn’t seem to mind him being that way either! LOL!

    All the best to ya,
    Patrick XOXOX :)

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