Boytoons Magazine #138 – The 2009 Class Comics Calendar is here!

Hey Gang!

I hope you’re all doing well.  I haven’t had the opportunity to Blog much these last couple of weeks.  In my defense however, I have been hard at work on my various comic projects… and though I am not as far along as I might have liked, I am pleased to report that stuff is coming along nicely!  Besides, it’s not the speed with which you get there… but the quality… or something of that nature! LOL!

I had hoped to have Boytoon Adventures #1 and Felinoids #3 done by the end of 2008… but I just cannot rush these projects.  I want them to be as perfect as possible, so I hope you can forgive me, guys… but that means they will not be out until next year… but they SHOULD be out early on in the season.  I will keep you posted on my progress, though!  I promise! But in the meantime, here is a shot of Cam with Imanno’s hand up his ass to tide you all over… ! ;)

Meanwhile, I am putting the final touches on my next 2008 release; Striptease.  Striptease is a collection of all my 1-page comic strips, and features the Camili-Cat, Locus and Zahn stuff from my website, but also includes a bunch of new strips I’ve created specifically for this project.  That’s right – never before seen material with Boytoons like Space Cadet, Devilhound and Dominion!  This book even includes a new Zahn short story!  Not to be missed folks!

Striptease is due out by the end of 2008, and I will let you guys know the minute it’s available to order.  It’s a fun collection, and I can’t wait to see it in print.  The 1-page strips are a great deal of fun to write and illustrate, and it will be really great to see them together as a collection for the very first time.

In other news, I’m so proud to announce that Fraser and I have just opened our brand new Class Comics Gear shop over at the Class Comics website.  The shop has some really cool Class Comics themed stuff available for sale, including mugs, mouse pads, t-shirts and other cool items that feature art by me AND by some of your other fave Class Comics artists.

Headlining the new line of products is our wicked 2009 Class Comics Calendar.  A lot of you wrote in last year and asked us to create a calendar that featured non-explicit images so that it could be placed on any wall.  Well friends, we listened to your request!

The 2009 Calendar is a cool collection of illustrations by Logan, Ismael Alvarez, Joseph Hawk, Jacob Mott, HvH, Mike and even has a few my yours truly.  And best of all, it’s completely safe for most walls!

I hope you will check it out, and take a look at the other stuff we’ve created for the shop!

Thanks again for patiently waiting for me to get my shit together and start posting again, you guys!  I’ll have more for you this week, including some cool previews of the projects I’m currently working very hard on!

Have a fantastic evening, dear friends!
Hugz + Kisses,
Patrick XOXO

Space Cadet, Camili-Cat, Zahn and all other characters are © Copyright and TM Class Comics Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

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