BOYTOONS MAGAZINE #160 – Naked Justice: Beginnings #1 is HERE!


Well Gang, the moment we’ve all been waiting for is FINALLY here!  That’s right folks – NAKED JUSTICE: BEGINNINGS #1 is here!

I couldn’t be happier about how this book turned out.  I had a great time writing it and the artwork is absolutely gorgeous.  For that we can thank Shemyaza and my good buddy Jacob Mott.  The boys did a terrific job on the visuals and their wonderful artistic styles bring this book to life superbly well.  Meanwhile, my pal Donald MacLean returns to this book to spice up the dialog with his own unique brand of humor.  So it’s crazy funny as well as crazy HAWT!

Now you guys MUST check out the brand new Naked Justice: Beginnings mini site.  Fraser, the team and I worked really hard on this sucker.  The mini site contains the usual mini site goodies like free stuff, a preview of the book, character bios and stuff… but what this one has that will really knock your socks off is the official NJB #1 book animated trailer.


Boys and girls…  Seriously!  If this thing doesn’t make you cream your jeans, I honestly don’t know what will!  LOL!  It’s that fabulous!  Best of all, we’ve provided the code to the Trailer.  That way you can embed it into your own Blogs and sites if you want!

Okay, so you all know how Naked Justice and I have had our differences in the past.  I really needed an NJ project that would improve how I view the character and how I approach him.  I’m pleased to tell ya that this book has done that.  I guess I sort of needed to take the character back to his roots and start to explore him again.  This book has renewed him for me.

Naked Justice: Beginnings is really Felix Himner’s story.  It shows us how he eventually becomes the hero we know as Naked Justice.  But he does have help along the way.  I am of course talking about the UNRIVALLED ALLIANCE.


I loved creating these characters and seeing Jacob’s interpretations of them was a real joy!  They’re sexy, they’re powerful and they’re exactly the sort of folks Felix needs to surround himself with if he’s gonna learn how his powers work.

In any case, I’ll stop blabbing now so that you can head on over to the mini-site, and then over to Class Comics to get your copy! LOL!

And folks, lemme know what you think about the mini-site, the trailer – and OF COURSE, the book itself.  This is a bright new chapter in Naked Justice’s life and I can honestly say that you’re in for a Hell of a ride with this mini-series.  Oooohhh – the things I have planned! Mwah-Ha! Ha!

Huzg + kisses,
Patrick XOXO


Naked Justice, Trip, Size King, Glow Worm, Horsefly, Arctic Owl, the Skelad and all other characters © Copyright and TM 2009, Class Comics Inc.  All rights reserved.

Class Comics JAM POSTER – by Jacob Mott!

Good morning my friends…

Today I want to talk to you about this AMAZING new Jam Poster that Jacob Mott created for us here at Class Comics.  It’s absolutely stunning!  I have one hanging in my studio, and it’s all I can do to peel my eyes away from it long enough to get any work done! HA! HA! HA!

As you know, Jacob Mott is the artist drawing the new NAKED JUSTICE: Beginnings series (look for issue #1 to be out in early 2009!).  I love Jacob’s take on NJ and naturally was burning to see how he would draw most of my other Boytoons.  Jacob was happy to oblige and a few short days later, I received this incredible illustration from him.

It features 18 of my Boytoons, including the 4 heavy-hitters: Zahn, Naked Justice, Cam and Deimos! Plus it introduces you to 4 brand new characters from the NJ Beginnings series.  Horsefly, Glow Worm, Trip and the Size King are all part of the Unrivaled Alliance and as you can see, they are hot, hot, HOT!

So I’m encouraging you all to check this print out! It’s available in 2 sizes, 13 X 19 and 8.5 X 11.  It’s glossy, it’s gorgeous, and it’s a piece of Gay Pop Culture Art!  Plus, it’s LIMITED!  So you’ll wanna get yours while ya can!

I dunno about you, but this just whets my appetite for NJ’s new series.

More from me shortly, my friends. Hugz + kisses to you all!
Patrick XOXOX

Illustration by Jacob Mott © Copyright 2008.

All characters are © Copyright & TM 2008, Class Comics Inc.  All rights resreved.

BOYTOONS MAGAZINE #133 – Big Watch Boiz – The men of Jacob Mott.

Hiya Gang!

WOW!  What a crazy, busy summer it has been so far, both personally and professionally.  It feels like the days have just flown by and that I have not really had the chance to enjoy the warmer weather.  I guess that is what happens when you move.  I also haven’t had the chance to post to Boytoons Magazine nearly as often as I would like.  My apologies for that!  But, I guarantee you that this issue will have been well worth the wait.

Today I want to talk to you about a truly amazing artist, and a dear friend of mine – none other than the fantastic Jacob Mott.  Some of you will recognize Jacob from his recent postings over at Artistic License and his work for Freshmen magazine.  The man is a real genius, and his Boiz are instant-erection making! They are always so alive with sensuality and personality and Jacob’s sense of design and color works perfectly with his keen erotic instincts.  Everything about this man’s artwork is a complete turn on for the senses.  I doubt any Boytoon lover could disagree with this.

Jacob is perhaps best known for his own personal brand of illustrated hunk, the BIG WATCH BOIZ.  His Boiz are always immediately identifiable by their ultra-cool and always huge… signature wrist watches!  As branding goes, it’s a wicked cool way of making your guys stand out.  It’s subtle enough as to not impact the images adversely, but evident enough to recognize off the bat!

Still, folks who are unfamiliar with Jacob’s Boiz sometimes think that Jacob and artist Shemyaza of the Britdoodz website are one and the same.  Jacob admits that this is understandable since some of his Big Watch Boiz work was originally posted on the Britdoodz site.  Though both artists have worked together in the past and have some similarities to their artistic styles, they are indeed two separate, unique creators.

And speaking of Shemmy, as you all know he was working on the up coming Naked Justice: Beginnings series. After completing the first 10 pages of the first issue, he had to bow out due to other commitments. Naturally I wanted an artist of tremendous caliber to take on the rest of the issue and the series.

I had wanted to work with Jacob for like, EVER!  But a man this talented is understandably in high demand!  Still I figured it was worth giving him a buzz about the project.  I couldn’t believe my luck! Jacob had an opening in his schedule just as I approached him with the series.  He was thrilled to get to work on NJ, and lemme tell ya, it really shows in his artwork! So I couldn’t be happier to officially announce that Jacob has agreed to take over the Naked Justice: Beginnings project.

His take on Felix is nothing short of brilliant, and from the pages he’s turned in so far, I can guarantee that this will be one exceptional title.  Jacob’s beautiful style fits perfectly in with my vision of the series, and continues the first issue with such power and energy – it’s really very exciting.  Check out this promo shot of NJ he whipped up for this posting.  Yummmmy!

While Jacob continues to work on issue #1, he was sweet enough to provide me with some incredibly hot Boiz to share with you in this issue.  I think you will all agree that these are pretty intensely powerful images, filled with heat, playfulness and tremendous beauty. They portray sex in such a wonderful and positive manner as something to be savored.

So enjoy these magnificent illustrations my dear friends, and check out Jacob’s Big Watch Boiz official site for more of his scorching creations.   Meanwhile, I’ll be back soon with more updates on Naked Justice; Beginnings and the other various projects yours truly is up to.  I hope you are all having a great Summer and I look forward to hearing from ya!

Hugz + Kisses,
Patrick XOXO

Big Watch Boiz © Copyright and TM 2008, Jacob Mott.  All rights reserved.

Naked Justice © Copyright and TM 2008 Patrick Fillion / Class Comics Inc.  All rights reserved.

All illustrations © Copyright and TM 2008, Jacob Mott.  All rights reserved.
Please do not repost without permission.

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