Convention Style Sketches! A post a day – Day 4

A lot of my fans and readers have asked me to make more of  my original art available for purchase.  Last year, Fraser and I thought we’d put a cool new spin on the idea of selling my originals, so we offered up “Convention Style Sketches Originals” – affordable, hand-drawn original pencil and ink sketches created by yours truly, featuring your Class Comics character of choice!

"Diablo" Convention Style Sketch by Patrick Fillion.

"Diablo" Convention Style Sketch by Patrick Fillion.

"Locus" Convention Style Sketch by Patrick Fillion.

"Locus" Convention Style Sketch by Patrick Fillion.

"Deimos" Convention Style Sketch by Patrick Fillion.

"Deimos" Convention Style Sketch by Patrick Fillion.

We were absolutely floored by the response.  I believe there were 40 available slots, and they filled up in no time!  And I LOVED seeing the character choices people made.  Some of them were a terrific, unexpected surprise!!

Convention style sketches are fun because they are very loose and freeing.  I don’t feel huge stress when I create them for a fan because they are meant to be an “inspiration of the moment” sort of drawing, and take roughly half an hour to forty-five minutes long to draw.  They’re a lot of fun, and today I wanted to share a few of the drawings that I created as a result!

"Captain Jung" Convention Style Sketch by Patrick Fillion.

"Captain Jung" Convention Style Sketch by Patrick Fillion.

"Jon Dazy" Convention Style Sketch by Patrick Fillion.

"Jon Dazy" Convention Style Sketch by Patrick Fillion.

"Ghostboy" Convention Style Sketch by Patrick Fillion.

"Ghostboy" Convention Style Sketch by Patrick Fillion.

It’s entirely possible that we’ll offer more Convention Style Sketch Originals in the near future.  I’ll keep you all posted.  In the meantime, I hope you will enjoy dear friends.

Hugz + Kisses,
Patrick XOXO

"Zahn" Convention Style Sketch by Patrick Fillion.

"Zahn" Convention Style Sketch by Patrick Fillion.

"Catnip" Convention Style Sketch by Patrick Fillion.

"Catnip" Convention Style Sketch by Patrick Fillion.

"Stephane" Convention Style Sketch by Patrick Fillion.

"Stephane" Convention Style Sketch by Patrick Fillion.

"Craig Coolidge" Convention Style Sketch by Patrick Fillion.

"Craig Coolidge" Convention Style Sketch by Patrick Fillion.

Locus, Diablo, Captain Jung, Ghostboy, Catnip, Jon Dazy, Deimos, Grinn Reaper, Stephane and Craig © Copyright & TM 2009, Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.
Please do not repost without permission. Thanks!



Hello folks…

Today I want to talk to you about a comic that I always intended to release in print, but ended up putting out as a digital edition: “Cube DECOMPILED”.

The Cube series is one of my oldest comic creations, and it’s known many incarnations.  The version most fans are familiar with is “Guardians of the Cube”, which has been in print since 2003 and has seen 5 complete issues.  After such a long while, most of those issues are sold out, and I have decided to steer the series in a very different direction (more on that below!).

Jon Dazy explores Diablo's good side!

Jon Dazy explores Diablo's good side!

[Read more…]

BOYTOONS MAGAZINE #161 – Boytoon Adventures #1 – An Update!


On issue #160 of BTM, I received a comment from Moonboy, asking if I might give you good people an update on Boytoon Adventures #1!  Moonboy read my mind!  I was planning this issue for a little while and figured now would be a great time to post it.

So… where am I at with Boytoon Adventures #1.  Simply put, I am 3 pages from being done!  WHOA!!!! Bet you didn’t expect that, huh? HA! HA! HA!

Yup!  The book now stands at a whopping 72 pages of story and a few extra pages of pin ups and other goodies!  It looks freakin’ wicked, if I do say so myself.  I’ve put a hellova lot of work into it, and so did Dennis, my colorist on this project.


Dennis’ colors are amazing, and he perfectly nailed the stylized, cell shading coloring style I was looking for. Plus he did a gorgeous job coloring the character pin ups in his own superb style.  Just take a look at the oh-so sexy Diablo on this issue’s cover!  You’ll catch my drift! YUMMY!

There are six separate stories in this first trade, four of which are fifteen pages each, and though they are all drawn in my new “Bryce Peters” style, they are nevertheless an integral part of the Class Comics canon and mythology.


The book holds some very important developments in store for characters like Ghostboy and Diablo… developments that will most likely shock the heck out of you!  LOL!  The Zahn story is also pretty important to his mythology, and will directly impact events in Zahn #2.

You’ll also see Locus, Flamer, Captain Jung, Disco and Camili-CatCam in his raunchiest, yet touching story to date — as well as a few familiar faces from the Initiation.  On top of that, you’ll meet sexy new characters… including my eco-hero, Mako Finn.  Mako’s story is pretty brief, but it’s one that is very important to me.


I am so pleased that Fraser wrote an extremely sexy Initiation short story called “The Match” for this issue that will show you how Zack became the pledge master of his fraternity, and introduce you to the delicious Wade and Topher! MMmmmm — college guys! LOL!  (I wanted to show you some art from “the Match” and from the Mako Finn story — but they are still being colored! Maybe next time! ;)

I actually even had a Space Cadet story planned for this issue, but I decided to save it for the next book – otherwise I could keep adding stuff to issue #1 forever!  It’s that fun to work on – but at some point, a boy’s gotta put a project to bed! HA! HA! HA!


I’ve said it before and I will say it again – I love drawing as Bryce Peters.  It is one of the most artistically freeing things I’ve done in a long time.  The drawings just seem to flow, almost effortlessly, and it’s been a wildly fun and liberating experience putting this book together.

When I first announced this book, some of you expressed some concern over the way I draw dicks as Bryce.  Well, not to worry.  As the book evolved, it seems I decide to draw the penises almost exactly the way I draw them in my classic style.  So you will get those trademark Fillion cocks with my new Bryce Peters animation-inspired style!


Boytoon Adventures #1 is slated for Summer 2009 release and I will continue to update you as we get closer to the official release date.  In the meantime, I hope you will enjoy this little sneak peek at some of the interior artwork.

Have a great evening, dear friends.  More from me shortly!
Hugz + kisses,
Patrick XOXO

Diablo, Ghostboy, Zahn, Camili-Cat, Flamer, Disco, Captain Jung, Locus, the Priests of Ajul and all other characters are © Copyright & TM 2009, Class Comics Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

BOYTOONS MAGAZINE #131 – Boytoon Adventures revealed!

Hey everybody….

Hope you are all well.  I am buried in boxes up to my eyebrows.  HA! HA! HA!  As you know, Fraser and I are moving into our new digs – on Thursday of this week in fact – and we’ve been busy little campers trying to get everything in order and ready to be moved.  So before I go off line for a few days, I wanted to say one last quick hello and bring you a little more info on Boytoon Adventures!

A little while ago, I was reading some of my beloved Star Wars Clone Wars Adventures, and it occurred to me how fun, cutting edge and sleek the style of those comics is.  In fact, that style of drawing seems quite popular lately.  You see it in a ton of DC cartoons and comics, and Marvel seems to be adopting it to some degree as well.  So I thought, I want to try my hand at this.

I began to doodle and soon it became pretty evident that the style (or my version of it at least) was really working for me.  Next thing I knew, Fraser and I were loving the results and soon after that, we started making plans for an actual Trade Paperback or Digest format book called “Boytoon Adventures #1”.

Now this is the part where you might think I am a bit nutty, but so as not to confuse folks, (because I most certainly am not about to give up my traditional style of drawing), I am going to use a public pen name for Boytoon Adventures.  While drawing in this style, I will be doing so as “Bryce Peters”.  Why Bryce Peters you ask?   Well, here’s a little bit of background info for you.  WAAAAAY back at the start of my career as an artist of gay male erotic comics, I seriously considered using a pen name.  Bryce Peters was the name I came up with.  Obviously, I decided not to go with a pen name for my art back then… but for the Boytoon Adventures stuff, it seems like a fun and appropriate alias!

Anyhow, back to the book itself.  The Digest will be roughly 70 full-color pages and feature four complete 15-page short stories.

The first story features Locus, Flamer, Disco and Jung, and picks up at the point where Locus joins Captain Jung’s crew.  I introduce a cool new villain in this story which I found lots of fun! The second story is a Ghostboy story, which will also feature Diablo.  The third is a Zahn story, which will focus on a scene barely touched upon in Zahn #1 – prepare to enter into the swamps of Lyrria.

As for the fourth story, Fraser has penned that one.  It features some of the characters from the Initiation.  This is exciting for us because it marks our first real collaboration on a comic together.

The really fun thing about Boytoon Adventures is that for me as an artist, it is a liberating change of pace.  My usual style is so precise and painstaking, and this new way of drawing is a little more carefree and loose.  Suffice it to say that this has come at a great point in my life.  I’ve been feeling the need for a little freshness in my art, and Boytoon Adventures is really providing that!

Also a real plus about this style is that I can generally turn out about 2 – 3 pages per day, fully penciled and inked.  My usual style can take a full day just to ink.  So again, big difference! LOL!

I am an artist that enjoys working on lots of different things at once.  Right now I have Felinoids #3, Deimos #2, Rapture #3, A new Cube book and a few other projects on the go… but Boytoon Adventures has been a really great way to keep creative while doing so in a very different way from what I am used to.  That rocks!

Just so you know, this title is cartoonier, but it is no less adult.  I have made a point of coming up with scripts that are super sexy and filled with loads of man-sex.  The cum is still spurting, and the Boytoons are just as hard.  The stories are no less important to me in this project either, and each one fits into the continuity of the featured characters perfectly.  In this case “cartoony” will certainly not equal “silly”!

So if all goes according to plan, Boytoon Adventures #1 should be available by the end of 2008.  That may seem ambitious for such a new project so late in the season… but consider this.  I am already 30 pages in! Not bad for something I started a mere few months ago!

I hope you will stay tooned dear friends, ‘cause I will post more artwork from Boytoon Adventures #1 as I get more done.  And I hope that even though the style is more cartoony that you will all give it a chance.  I think you might be pleasantly surprised.

Meanwhile, I must get back to packing up so that I am ready to go when the Movers arrive.  Wish me luck and I’ll be back as soon as I am settled in.  I’ll have more goodies for ya then, and I’ll get around to answering all of your wonderful comments on the Ali and Sean Z post then too!  Talk to you soon!

Hugz + Kisses to all of you!
Patrick XOXO

Locus, Ghostboy, Diablo, Zahn and all other characters are © Copyright and TM 2008, Patrick Fillion / Class Comics Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

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