Hiya everyone…
I have to tell ya – I am buzzin’ today! BOYTOON ADVENTURES #1 is now shipping from Class Comics, and the book looks incredible. I couldn’t be more proud.
As you know, about a year ago, I set out to experiment with new art styles, and my “Bryce Peters” drawing style was born. It’s been a blast ever since, and BOYTOON ADVENTURES #1 has been a freeing and exhilarating ride.
But more than that, BOYTOON ADVENTURES #1 is the very first Class Comics Trade Paperback. The presentation and printing are fantastic. It’s slick and topped off with a beautiful, very classy matt finish… AND it’s over 90 pages of some of the naughtiest stories and art I’ve ever drawn.
Here’s what Dale Lazarov, writer/editor of STICKY, MANLY and NIGHTLIFE had to say about BOYTOON ADVENTURES.
“Patrick Fillion, drawing in retro-cartoony animated style as Bryce Peters, reaches new levels of delightful filthiness with BOYTOON ADVENTURES. It’s like Fillion’s given himself permission, with this simplified, dynamic style, to be both more light-hearted and raunchier than ever. If you aren’t familiar with all of Fillion’s characters and ongoing Class Comics series, BOYTOON ADVENTURES will ensorcell you with their charms and outsized eroticism.”
Needless to say, I was quite touched by Dale’s review! If you want to know more about BOYTOON ADVENTURES, check out the official mini site. The site gives you a free preview of the book, and oh-boy – check out the mini webisodes featuring Locus and Zahn! Really cool stuff.

The official BOYTOON ADVENTURES mini site is now live, and features a bunch of cool previews and goodies!
So grab yourself a copy. I’m personally signing each one that is ordered directly from the Class Comics website. And if you’re a fan who prefers to get his Class Comics stuff through your local GLBT bookstore or Comic Shop, by all means… ask your local retailers to get the book for you and to carry it in their store.
Help me spread the word about this project guys! It’s gonna pave the way for future Class Comics Trade Paperbacks. If you have a Blog or website and would like to talk about BOYTOON ADVENTURES,check out the official Class Comics press section. You’ll find some great images ready to post, as well as other cool promo stuff you can use!
I wanna say a great big thank you to everyone for being so supportive of this new style. It’s been awesome having you all encourage me and it means a great deal to me knowing how much you’ve all looked forward to BOYTOON ADVENTURES. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it.
Hugz + kisses
Patrick XOXO
Ghostboy, Zahn, Camili-Cat, Locus, Diablo, Zack, all other characters and Boytoon Adventures are © Copyright and TM 2009, Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.