Character designs for “SPOT: Officer of the law”! A post a day – Day 02

"Spot: Officer of the law" #1 is coming soon from Class Comics.

Good evenin’ my friends.

And now for something completely different… (or at least not Locus #1-related! LOL!)! Tonight I thought it might be fun to look at some of my character designs and concepts for the up-coming “SPOT: Officer of the law” mini series.  For those of you who want to know what the Heck has happened to “Stephane’s Funhouse of Fornication”, fear not… I am still planning to work on that book, but this Spot series had to come first in order to establish Spot as a character.  It really is the only logical order to things in.

Meet Wisti, Class Comics' very own Monkey Boy!

In SPOT #1 you’re gonna meet several other anthros like Spot.  Harry is a rabbit dude, and Wisti is a monkey-boy. Both are pretty hunky and get up to all kinds of naughtiness in the series, and their existence will actually reveal a great deal about Spot and who or what he is.

Meet Harry, Class Comics' very own rabbit hunk!

Meanwhile, if you recall back in Rapture #3, Ice Cap hinted to Space Cadet that he was working for the overlord of crime in Gateway City.  In Spot #1, that crime lord is finally revealed in the form of Boaris Chapelle, who isn’t so much evil as he is an incredibly intelligent and ruthless businessman.  He sees an opportunity, and he exploits it. Boaris is an ex-wrestler gone rags to riches not to be trifled with as Spot, Harry and Wisti will learn.

Class Comics' Harry learns the hard way that Boaris Chapelle isn't to be trifled with!

The series will also feature Spot’s partner, Wilson.  Wilson’s human, and I sort of wanted him to look like Craig from Satisfaction Guaranteed #4.  He’s a real sweetheart with a real soft spot (pardon the pun) for sexy anthro guys!

Wilson and other characters from Class Comics' up-coming "Spot: Officer of the law" #1

Spot in his police dog uniform! Design artwork by Patrick Fillion for Class Comics' upcoming "Spot: Officer of the law" #1.

The first issue is currently in production with the amazing Eric Mars creating absolutely BEAUTIFUL ART for the book.  Eric draws Anthro hunks like nobody else’s business.  Check out the amazing Spot and Imanno drawing he drew as a birthday gift for yours truly last year. You can clearly see that Spot and his buddies are in excellent hands!

Eric Mars draws Spot and Imanno!

As with all things Class Comics, I’ll keep you good and posted on the books’ progress and on offical release dates. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy my concept art for the title, and I’ll see you back here tomorrow for a closer look at Locus #1!

Hugz + kisses to you all!
Patrick XOXOX

Spot, Imanno, Harry, Wisti, Wilson and Boaris Chapelle are © Copyright and TM 2011 Class Comics Inc.  All rights reserved.

BOYTOONS MAGAZINE #201 – The Gift of Art!

Hello my friends…

It’s been a while since I last posted.  It’s been quite a busy September.  I’ve been working like a madman on LOCUS #1, and you’ll be glad to learn that the book is officially HALF done. Yup, I’m twelve completely penciled and inked pages in, and boy-o-boy, I am really stoked about this one.

But enough about Locus for now — today, I want to share some terrific artwork with you. It was my birthday in August, and a bunch of my friends and fans got together to create some exceptionally beautiful birthday art gifts for me.  Many of them arrived via the wonderful Dinosaurprince, while others came from colleagues and pals, such as the amazing Eric Mars (who is currently hard at work drawing SPOT and the ANI-MALES #1, written by yours truly! I’ll have more on that subject for you shortly!)

Spot getting it on with Imanno! So many Class Comics fans dream about this particular team-up, now made reality by the amazing Eric Mars.

This stunning illustration of Zahn was drawn by the wonderful Aneros, based upon a concept by Dinosaurprince.

This time Aneros drew Incubus, the sexy son of Diablo!

I was so moved by all of these gorgeous art gifts.  You guys know how much I ADORE fan art, so needless to say, these were the perfect gifts for the boy who loves to see how other artists interpret his characters.

While some of these beautiful pieces weren’t strictly sent as birthday gifts to me, they did arrive around the time of my birthday, so I thought it would be nice to show them off here as well.

The wickedly talented JOTTO decided to give Ghostboy a gift this year, and designed him a sexy new costume!

A truly magnificent illustration of Zahn getting off, courtesy of the amazing Porkchopz-r-us!

Lucky Locus meets the gorgeous Jedi, Kit Fisto! Way to use the force, dude! Wicked art by Fallen based on a concept by Dinosaurprince.

And speaking of Kit, check out this adorable Chibi version of him by the lovely Demona.

We all know Cam loves Basketball. This very sexy illustration of a younger Cam comes form the fertile imagination of Dinosaurprince and was drawn by a very talented young artist named Karulox.

SUH-WEEET! The incredible Ink-B drew me a super sexy, electrifying male version of STORM!!! AWESOME!!

Here's anotehr superb pic from Fallen. This time he's created a rendition of Meezok from Zahn #2. Love those Priests of Ajul!

This beautiful illustration of the sultry Space Cadet and his hung-like-a-horse pal, Strider is brought to us by the fabulous Dinosaurprince and the incredible Maduinshorn.

Spot arrests Dinosaurprince's sexy boxer, Joey. So THAT's what those sticks are for! LOL! A gorgeous piece of art courtesy of Dinosaurprince and the incredibly talented Leon de Leon!

And speaking of Leon, get a load of this HOT HOT HOT pic of Diablo and a delicious Birthday cake with creamy filling! Leon apparently wanted to try the Bryce Peters/Boytoon Adventures style of art since he first saw the book, and this is the SUPERB result!

And now, the sexy variant, featuring the cocks of Locus and Mako Finn! Which candle would you BLOW first? HA! HA! HA!

Enjoy my friends. I will try to post on a more regular basis… but you all know what I need, don’t you?  Yup.  More hours in my days!  HA! HA! HA!

Love to you all, and thanks so very much to all of the wonderful artists who took the time to create these superb drawings for me!  You guys ROCK!

Hugz + kisses,
Patrick XOXO

GREAT BIG THANKS to the following artists for these incredible gifts:

Leon de Leon (Urbanmusiq)
Jotto (sadly no website available yet!)
Eric mars (sadly no website available yet!)
Fallen (FallenAngel7)
Aneros (Voider)
Ink B

All Class Comics characters © Copyright and TM 2010, Class Comics Inc.  All rights reserved.
All other characters © Copyright 2010 their respective owners and creators.  All rights reserved.

ilLUSTrations: The Art of Patrick Fillion.

"ilLUSTrations: the art of Patrick Fillion" coming Summer 2010, from Bruno Gmunder.

Hello my friends.

I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the long weekend. Happy Easter to you all, by the way!

It’s been a really busy month here at Class Comics, for several very exciting reasons. I’m near the end of Zahn #2 — yes, you heard me — Zahn #2 is almost complete!  LOL!  I’m happy to anounce that I am on track for the Summer 2010 release deadline!

I’ve also been keeping busy assembling art and creating brand new images for my new hard cover art book called “ilLUSTrations: the Art of Patrick Fillion” with publisher Bruno Gmunder.  I couldn’t be happier about this!  Bruno Gmunder is a fantastic publisher and they produce nothing but the most beautiful, highest quality books.  It’s always a real pleasure working with them on a project.

The book is due out in August 2010, and I’m working hard putting every aspect together.  You can check out my personal website for more info on the book… and I’ve put together a little sneak preview promo montage for you guys to enjoy… you’ll notice that I even slipped in a portion of a piece I like to call “Spot fucks Cam” part 2.  Part 1 is also in the book as an exclusive image and I call that one “Cam fucks Spot”!  Needless to say, your requests to see Spot and Cam together did not fall upon deaf ears!  LOL!

More from me soon, boys and girls!

Loads of luv to ya, Patrick XOXO

All characters © Copyright and TM 2010, Patrick Fillion/Class Comics inc.  All rights reserved.

BOYTOONS MAGAZINE #188 – On my drawing board – A post a day – Day 2

Boytoons Magazine #188 cover

Hello friends…

I’ve been at my drawing table for a few weeks now, and I am happy to report that my post-Holiday blues (also known as the bitch called artist block!) seems to be coming to an end.  And you know what that means… I’ve been feeling creative again.

Of late, I’ve been concentrating on Zahn #2 primarily.  Book #2 picks up a few weeks after the end of the first issue, and almost directly after the events that happened in Striptease #1. You remember… when Zahn and Jonah meet Cauldron for the first time.

Zahn and Cauldron set out to assemble a great army of Varda. An excerpt from Class Comics' up-coming Zahn #2.  Story and art by Patrick Fillion, colors by Golden Key.

Zahn and Cauldron set out to assemble a great army of Varda. An excerpt from Class Comics' up-coming Zahn #2. Story and art by Patrick Fillion, colors by Golden Key.

So Zahn decides that he needs to assemble an army to protect Varda from the evil metal beasts that threaten it.  Naturally, he wants only but the best on this army of his, and Cauldron knows where they might find four men who would make perfect additions to this army of Varda.  So off they go in search of these fellow gay barbarians.

Zahn gets it on with Cauldron in Class Comics' up-coming Zahn #2. Artwork by Patrick Fillion.

Zahn gets it on with Cauldron in Class Comics' up-coming Zahn #2. Artwork by Patrick Fillion.

An excerpt from Class Comics' up-coming Zahn #2.  Artwork by Patrick Fillion.

An excerpt from Class Comics' up-coming Zahn #2. Artwork by Patrick Fillion.

Jonah still doesn’t seem to trust Cauldron, while Zahn is more than happy to fuck both of them… A LOT!  And I do mean a lot!  LOL!

I am sort of making it a personal/creative challenge for myself to write in and draw as much mansex as I possibly can fit in this issue.  Hey, I know what you guys like.  But don’t worry, because as I always say, sex scenes don’t have to come at the expense of a good story, and I have written an issue that really deepens the mysteries set in motion in issue #1… I even answer a few of the questions posed in book #1 along the way.

The cover to Class Comics' up-coming Space Cadet #1. Art by Patrick Fillion, colors by Hernán Cabrera and Patrick Fillion.

The cover to Class Comics' up-coming Space Cadet #1. Art by Patrick Fillion, colors by Hernán Cabrera and Patrick Fillion.

Meanwhile, Space Cadet’s first issue is nearing completion.  I wrote it and Bob, a new artist to Class Comics, illustrated it.  Bob’s job is done (and what a fantastic job he’s done!!) and the 1st issue is absolutely gorgeous.  Now I just have to complete the cover for it.  I love Space Cadet so much as a character, and even though I didn’t draw the interior art, I wanted to do the covers so that I could still be involved in the art in at least a small way.

Space Cadet’s 2-issue mini series is set in Ordovica, the realm of the satyrs.  If you recall the events that happened in Rapture #3, Vallan asked Space Cadet for help against the evil Baron Von Phallus.  Eager to really test out his new powers, Space Cadet accepted the plea for help.  But few things ever go as planned when you’re a sexy gay superhero it seems, and when Space Cadet arrives in Ordovica, he’s in for a BIG surprise.

Bob’s art is truly lovely and does Space Cadet great justice.  As for me, it’s such a HUGE thrill to have the opportunity to feature Class Comics’ most popular and prominent African American character in his very own series.  I think you guys will really love it.  I’ll devote an issue of BTM to Space Cadet #1 and give you a sneak peek at Bob’s art shortly.

Spot makes his first official appearance in Class Comics' up-coming "Stephane's Funhouse of Fornication" #1.

Spot makes his first official appearance in Class Comics' up-coming "Stephane's Funhouse of Fornication" #1.

An inked page from Spot's introduction in Class Comics' up-coming "Stephane's Funhouse of Fornication" #1. Art by Patrick Fillion.

An inked page from Spot's introduction in Class Comics' up-coming "Stephane's Funhouse of Fornication" #1. Art by Patrick Fillion.

Also on my drawing table is Stephane’s Funhouse of Fornication #1.  Though I have yet to draw Stephane’s parts of this book, I have drawn an awful lot of pages that feature Spot… you know, my sexy dog boy.  He’s on the cover of today’s issue… and he gets officially introduced in this book, and I am having a blast exploring this very fun character.

While I have yet to take a real chunk out of this book, it’s cool to see it finally come together after having it in the back of my head for such a long time.

Deimos meets his match in two horny college geeks in the Boytoon Adventures-inspired story "The Spell".  Art by Patrick Fillion, drawing as Bryce Peters.  Colors by Golden Key.

Deimos meets his match in two horny college geeks in the Boytoon Adventures-inspired story "The Spell". Art by Patrick Fillion, drawing as Bryce Peters. Colors by Golden Key.

In a nutshell, these are my big projects.  I will admit that I am also already working on what will potentially become Boytoon Adventures #2.  At this time I’m focusing on a Deimos story called “the Spell”.  Speaking of Deimos, Logan’s work on Deimos #2 is INCREDIBLE!!!  I will be sharing some of that with all of you very soon as well.

And what kind of writer/artist would I be if I didn’t have a few other projects/ideas on the go in the background as well?  Well, maybe one that would actually release projects more quickly, but certainly not one who would feel as creatively fulfilled as this one!  LOL!

More from me soon, my friends!
Hugz + kisses,
Patrick XOXO

A portrait of Zahn, from Class Comics' up-coming Zahn #2.  Art by Patrick Fillion, colors by Golden Key.

A portrait of Zahn, from Class Comics' up-coming Zahn #2. Art by Patrick Fillion, colors by Golden Key.

Zahn, Space Cadet, Deimos, Cauldron, Baron Von Phallus, Selar, Spot and all other characters are © Copyright & TM 2010 Patrick Fillion / Class Comics Inc.  All rights reserved.

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