Hey everybody….
Summer has come, and pretty much gone rather unseen to Fraser and I! Moving from one home to the next can leave you feeling pretty harried, and that’s exactly what happened to us! Not that I am complaining, mind you. In the end, we are super happy to have moved into our new digs. That being said, the craziness of the summer did not stop there.
After you move, it seems all of the people you have ever been related to want to see your new pad. At least, that is the way it was with us. So one after another, my mother, my brother and his wife, Fraser’s mother and his aunt and uncle from Switzerland all came by for a visit. This is of course a wonderful treat, since we adore our families, but the result has been a Summer that has flown by rather quickly, and left no trace.
This year, there were no trips to local lakes. No road trips. No attending Comic Conventions. No barbecues… and worst of all, very little drawing for yours truly!!!
I am happy to report that for the next little while, I am relatively, well, relative free… and despite how much I appreciate their visits, I am looking forward to getting back to work.
It has also occurred to me that Boytoons Magazine has been somewhat neglected throughout the Summer… but without new material, I have also not had all that much to share personally. Still, I wanted to say goodbye to the Summer of 2008, a Summer of whirlwinds and company… with a little bit of style! And I do have some fun stuff to share!
A few weeks back, I celebrated my 35th birthday, and I received a wonderful gift from my friend Ismael Alvarez. He drew his adorable Bruno character dressed up as Zahn. I’ve been meaning to post this little guy for weeks, and at last here he is. Isn’t he adorable!!! I think the resemblance is striking! LOL!
Also a few weeks back, I announced that as Bryce Peters, I was working on Boytoon Adventures. It seems this inspired my pal Chubtoons to create his own Boytoon Adventure-style rendition of Deimos. He did a superb job I might add! I just love the graffiti wings on the wall – It’s a very cool touch! Deimos looks so sexy by Chubtoons’ talented hand!
With the end of Summer inevitably comes the Fall, my favorite season. The Fall brings Halloween, one of my 2 fave Holidays, as well as the new TV season – THANK GOD for Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (Summer Glau is a Goddess!!!), and while Fringe looks quite promising, I eagerly await October 3rd for the premiere of the Star Wars: Clone Wars series on the Cartoon Network.
A special thank you should go out to Ronald McDonald for getting together with George Lucas and putting out 18 wicked little Star Wars Bobble head toys which I happily collected! Yes – such is the extent of my geekiness! HA! HA! HA!
And speaking of Star Wars, this year the fall brings us Star Wars: The Force Unleashed! At last, a Star Wars game worth celebrating, this thing simply ROCKS!!! Being a huge SW fan (in case you weren’t sure about that yet! LOL!) , I can tell you that I am looking forward to hours of mind-numbing Sith action.
But first things first! I am happily back at work on Boytoon Adventures, Felinoids #3, Rapture #3 (which has just been solicited through Diamond Distributors) and several other projects. Boytoon Adventures continues to be a real joy to play with, while Felinoids #3 is getting raunchier by the very minute! LOL!
And fear not, though this issue may have been mostly about personal reflection, I have some really fun surprises coming up for you shortly! So stay tooned as I make a point of updating a little more frequently! Till next time, my friends. Have a fantastic afternoon, and I’ll see you back here again very shortly!
Hugz + Kisses to all of you!
Patrick XOXO
PS – On the cover today is an image I managed to do last month for Black Inches Magazine. It was colored, rather exquisitely I might add, by my pal and long-time colorist Hernán Cabrera! Enjoy!
Deimos, Zahn, Space Cadet, Space Goblins, © Copyright and TM 2008, Patrick Fillion / Class Comics Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Bruno © Copyright and TM 2008, Ismael Alvarez. All Rights Reserved.
All Star Wars characters © Copyright and TM 2008, George Lucas’ Empire. All Rights Reserved. ;)