Mythical Males are a huge part of gay erotic comics. You have all kinds, really – from fantastic superheroes, handsome alien hunks to your more traditional mythology-based centaurs, satyrs, demons, angels – the ever arousing list goes on and on. As a creator of gay erotic comics, I’ve drawn my share of a most of these types of men, loving each and every pencil stroke, because let’s face it… Mythical Men are extremely HOT and they turn our cranks for reasons we can’t always grasp. But it’s enough that they just do!
My pal Dinosaurprince, (one of the community’s most prolific creators of beautiful Mythical Men), emailed me a few days ago about two wonderful Blogs that actually celebrate the Mythical Man. I immediately fell in love with these Blogs. They are a fabulous blend of artwork and photography, both dedicated to celebrating men of mythical natures and origins.
MYTHULINITY is a fantastic Blog which offers a vast amount of beautiful photography and artwork. One of my favorite features on this Blog is the “Daily Manimal” – always a prime example of masculinity, you never know what form this hunk will take. It’s a great, regular little treat to look forward to. Mythulinity, owned and operated by a fantastic fellow named GreggerMan. He offers a variety of posts that include not only images, but videos as well. GreggerMan’s is an eclectic palate, and I love that he shares his refined appreciation for wonder and beauty with the rest of us.
Perhaps my favorite aspect of this Blog is that it is extremely respectful of its source material. GreggerMan is always careful to list the names of artist responsible for the creation of the artwork and photographs being posted and because of this, Mythulinity is a great source of discovery. Believe me when I say that perusing this Blog will inevitably lead you to discover tons of new artists, sites, and even other like-minded Blogs which all offer an equally impressive amount of eye candy.
WARRIORS OF FANTASY is Eleshar’s Blog, and it’s another fantastic realm of discover and wonder, where beautiful men of Mythical origins roam wild, such as the brilliant Kupopo’s satyr and Minotaur, seen below. . A lot of the posts are specifically themed, and the images and photographs that accompany the posts are always very elegant and quite beautiful. Eleshar is very artistic, and has a very keen eye for beauty. He collects some of the internet’s most erotic photographs, and transforms them into beautiful black and white pieces, worthy of hanging in art galleries.

You'll find many kinds of Mythical Males on Warriors of Fantasy, such as Kupopo's Satyr and Minotaur.
I love this Blog for its equal parts of illustrations and photography, and Eleshar manages to blend the two extremely well. He’s also a wonderful writer, and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the texts that accompany his posts. With so much to read, view and discover, Warriors of Fantasy is a Blog that you can easily get immersed into for hours. And like Mythulinity, this Blog is a valuable resource for discovering yet more men of Mythical origins, and the artists who create them.
And speaking of breathtaking Mythical Males, how about the cover illustration of today’s issue? I absolutely LOVE this piece which was created for Dinosaurprince based upon one of his super-sexy scenarios by a fantastic up and coming artist named Kagami06. His interpretation of Captain Jung, Disco, Strider, Space Cadet and Imanno is simply to die for, and quite fitting of this issue’s theme. You can see more of Kagami06’s beautiful work on his page at the Y!Gallery… and for more of the delicious Dinosaurprince’s own mythically masculine creations, check out his Blog.
Hugz + kisses,
Patrick XOXO
Captain Jung, Disco, Strider, Space Cadet and Imanno © Copyright and TM 2010, Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.
Cover artwork © Copyright 2010 Kagami06. All rights reserved.
All other artwork © Copyright and TM 2010 their respective creators. All rights reserved.
Whoa! I am so pleased that you have taken the time to write up a very ego-inflating appreciation of my blog, Mythulinty. We’re in danger of becoming a mutual appreciation society.
Let me clarify one thing though. I try to give credit to artists as much as I can, but I frequently find art that there is no attribution for. That leaves me caught as to posting it or not and the devil on my shoulder always says to go for it. So there are uncredited works on my blogs. I feel it is better to share great art than not, unless I am told otherwise by the artist (as has happened).
Thanks for the very kind words. To say I adore your art would be an understatement. Anything I willingly spend cash to possess finishes very high in my esteem.
You might also be interested in my blog devoted to superheroes and men, Superversity. (
Thanks for all you do to promote manimals and beauty!
I’ve been a follower of “Warriors of Fantasy” for some time now. Eleshar is very adept at weaving myth and masculinity together. He makes you realize that the male of our species is a creature as well. Possessing his own mythic powers. Whether it lies within the strength of a well sculpted, muscular physique or the knowledge gained from exploring the labyrinth of masculine sexuality. It is a quest that reveals us to ourselves and links us to those primitives males that originated those sagas. As it was with our near naked, near feral predecessors the knowledge gained is the same. The realization that within our loins is a powerful staff and twin orbs that hold and generate an even more powerful substance. A mystic force discovered singularly by each male as it begins to transform his body at puberty’s onset. An awakening sensuality that can fire every neuron within a young physique hardening with muscle and bedizened by rapidly sprouting pubic and body hair. In this we are as one with our ancients. Knowing that we can be both inpowered and enslaved by a force within us.
Hiya GreggerMan…
WOW! So great to read from you. I am so pleased you enjoyed my little issue devoted in part to you and your Blog. I really love what you do with Mythulinity, and am always looking forward to your new posts. i was thrilled to get to talk about what you do and to point folks your way!
And now worries regarding giving credit to artists for the pieces you use. I think we all understand that in a perfect world, you’d always be able to identify the creator of an image… but I am just impressed that you are always trying to identify folks artists whenever you can, and that you have a disclaimer stating that you are more than happy to remove material if an artist doesn’t want it posted. To me that shows that you greatly respect the art you’re posting, and those who have created it, and that is really COOL in my book.
I wish you all the best, and thanks again so much for stopping by!
Hugz + kisses,
Patrick XOXOX
Hello Musclsvg…
Thanks so much for stopping by. I am so pleased you enjoyed this issue of BTM, and I gotta say, I couldn’t agree more with your words! I really appreciate you taking the time to write them here for me and for the readers of this Blog. So very eloquent and beautifully stated! It was a joy to read!
Hugz + kisses,
Patrick XOXO
Kagum Gw, Ijin Share ya Bro :)