How Kathy Griffin saved the day: An essay!
By Patrick Fillion

Okay, so I was planning on talking about how Naked Justice won the Best Class Comics Hunk Poll (thank you to everyone who voted! You ROCK!), but I am afraid it will have to wait. You see, today was the all time, worse FUCKING, God AWFUL day I have ever had at Class Comics! Hands down, I shit you not!

We’re talking, break down and almost cry, shitty! See, last week, Fraser and I were away on a much needed brief Holiday. We took a Cruise to Alaska and saw some wonderful, beautiful things! I got a priddy Russian nesting doll, too! Life was freakin’ good!

So here I am, getting back to the office, all relaxed and expecting to settle back into my work nice and slow……………………..

………… Nuh-UH! That was sooooooo NOT meant to be!

Not only do I have a BITCH of a head cold… but today four of the nastiest things that have ever happened to me while at Class all happened at once. I won’t say what they are, or who they involved, but suffice it to say that I was severely bummed out.

So… in order to make my pain go away, I popped Season 1 of Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List into the DVD Player. I had seen Kathy on an RSVP Cruise in 2004, and she was absolutely fantastic… (plus she guest-starred in one of my ALL-TIME FAVE X-FILES episodes, “Fight Club”, and I have loved her since!). Still, thanks to the local TV channels, I had never seen her reality show.

What a BLAST I had! This lady is HILARIOUS, and thanks to her, I was able to set aside all the crap of the day and piss myself laughing. You see, Kathy’s most amazing gift is that she is able to laugh at herself, and that in the end, she is truly a very down to earth individual. I don’t care what my fellow Catholics say (I never really have!) I think Kathy RULES and I thank GOD for her today of all days. From Kathy I learned that no matter how bad stuff is, you can still come out on top. It’s all about how you choose to look at it!

After blasting through the entire 6 episodes of Season 1in one sitting (it’s THAT good!), plus the wonderful special features (Kathy Griffin… Is NOT Nicole Kidman! HILARIOUS!), I can honestly say that I feel waaaaaaay better about everything. After all, it could be much, MUCH worse.

So thank you Kathy for making me laugh again. I SOOOOO love you! Thank you Don for passing the DVD on to me! I am forever in your debt. And thank you Fraser for putting up with me today, whilst I was in my foulest mood E-V-E-R!

And for those of you who have yet to buy Kathy’s DVDs, I encourage you to run out there and do it now, now, NOW! Because honestly, this is one performer who is in a class all of her own… and despite what she herself may think, it’s anything but “D”! I give her an enthusiastic AAA+++!

PS — I promise I will have some more Boytoons for you coming up this week! Plus we’ll chat about the latest Class Comics Poll this week, so stick around!

Hugz + Kisses my friends!
Patrick XOXOX


  1. Hey Patrick. I’m sorry that such bad things that you do not wish to mention happened to you, but I’m uber glad that you got cheered up in the end! I have days like those as well, and watching something you enjoy really does work lift one’s mood up. :D

  2. Hallo Patrick!

    Sorry to hear you had a rough day. I honestly know what you are talking about. I’ve had days like that, ad to the fact that I can’t handle stress very well and that I have a very short temper there’s been times that I totally broke down. No one deserves days like that.

    I’m glad watching some DVD’s made you feel better. I’ve never seen anything of Kathy Griffin except for the couple of times she appeared on Whose Line Is It Anyway? She seems to be a really witty and funny person.

    Take care!
    Lots of love

  3. Patrick, my friend…

    Laughter, is a WONDERFUL cure-all.
    I’m glad your spirits have been lifted and better still–you CAN move forward, despite life’s occasional “hiccups.”



  4. Aww Patrick, I’m so sorry to hear you had a crappy day :(

    I know how it is, you can be having one great day with everything running smoothly, when all of a sudden things take a turn for the worse, and suddenly more bad things follow. I think one bad thing escalates the other things and makes them seem even worse.

    But at least you managed to find something to help cheer you up. You know I sort of had a day like that last week, really bad from the go, so I brought the second season of thundercats on dvd, and it made me forget all about my troubles… with a tub of coffee icecream too :P.

  5. Vaughn Michael says

    sorry you had such a bad day Patrick just know you have allot of fans who love you and your work though. :)
    Hope things look up!
    Personally I’ve been going through allot myself been at the hospital the past couple of days with stomach problems.
    All my love!
    -Vaughn M.

  6. Mike at says

    Hey Patrick,

    Sorry to hear about your misfortunes, hope things are looking up.

    If you like “My life on the D-list” you should check out Kathy’s “Allegedly” DVD. It’s a fucking riot.

    Feel better my friend.


  7. Hello My friends…

    Thanks so much to all of you for taking the time to write. Your kind words meant a lot to me, and helped me through the crappy day!

    I guess sometimes, a guy just needs to vent! LOL! You’ll all be happy to know that things are going better this week, and that I am feeling a lot happier with work! LOL!

    Hope you’re all doing well… and I guess we all just have to remember not to sweat the small stuff… or event he big stuff, sometimes! :)

    Much love,
    Patrick XOXOX

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