BOYTOONS MAGAZINE #206 – A closer look at Locus #1! A post a day – Day 03

Howdy Gang!

Okay. Locus #1 reveal time! Sort of… LOL! I mean I don’t want to spoil the book for you guys by showing TOO much art from it. I want you to be surprised when you read it. Because a lot of the art from book actually gives much of the plot away, I’ve carefully assembled a collection of pages and panels from the book that I think you’ll enjoy without any big juicy spoilers.

Locus makes a living as a male prostitute on planet Suktamimus in Class Comics' upcoming LOCUS #1. Art and story by Patrick Fillion. Colors by Golden Key.

My favorite page from the book. Excerpt from Class Comics' upcoming LOCUS #1. Art and story by Patrick Fillion. Colors by Golden Key.

What’s important for me to convey about this book is that creating it was pure self-indulgence. Locus #1 was an absolute labor of love and I would like to think that the results speak of that love. I didn’t place any huge pressure on myself the way I usually do when I create a book. I just set out to draw one of my favorite characters in his first solo book. I set out to have a great time, and I did just that.

That’s not to say that Locus #1 is vapid. At least, I hope it’s not. I was careful to craft a story that paints an intimate portrait of who Locus is, where he comes from, what his thoughts and beliefs are etc.

In Class Comics' LOCUS #1, Locus encounters the same three alien Thugs Cam once did. Art and story by Patrick Fillion. Colors by Golden Key.

Until now, Locus has always been Cam’s sidekick, and though that’s worked really nicely, I needed to see who Locus was separate of Cam… well mostly — because you can’t really have a book that sheds light on Locus’ past without seeing Cam pop up once or twice. So Locus #1 actually shows you how Locus and Cam met for the very first time.

While I explore his past, I also look at his future… and now I wonder if I’ve set events in motion that will demand a Locus #2. I never planned for that. See, Locus #1 was originally intended as a one-shot. But I guess these things can never truly be set in stone. And let’s face it, I’m in love with my Lean, Green Sex Machine. So if fan support and demand is there, I’d jump at the chance to do a second book in a heartbeat.

...and just because I NEVER get tired of posting this image...! Locus gets gang banged in Class Comics' upcoming LOCUS #1. Art and story by Patrick Fillion. Colors by Golden Key.

Out of the fire and into the frying pan. Locus is "saved" from the alien thugs by Captain Beedal and his Sektan Guards in Class Comics' upcoming LOCUS #1. Art and story by Patrick Fillion. Colors by Golden Key.

Locus offers himself to Captain Beedal. Will the Captain seize the opportunity? Excerpt from Class Comics' upcoming LOCUS #1. Art and story by Patrick Fillion. Colors by Golden Key.

Apparently the Captain isn't stupid! Locus and Beedal get it on in Class Comics' upcoming LOCUS #1. Art and story by Patrick Fillion. Colors by Golden Key.

And speaking of the fans – of YOU GUYS – I just want to say an enormous THANK YOU to you all for your always uplifting and inspiring support of this unusual looking and yet oh-so-sexy green character of mine. Ever since I reintroduced Locus in Rapture #1 (‘cause believe it or not, Locus has been with me since 1992!) I’ve wanted to see him in a solo project, but always feared there might be little to no reader interest. You guys TOTALLY proved me wrong… and both I AND Locus thank you for that! Enjoy the previews, my friends. The book is due out mid-to late March, providing all goes well at press.

Much love and thanks!
Patrick XOXOX

Locus and all other Class Comics characters and artwork © Copyright and TM 2010, Class Comics Inc. All rights reserved.


  1. cody yinger says

    Patrick I just wanted to say that I cant wait for this comic to come out, Locus is my absolute favorite character. I seriously hope you do a series dedicated to such a magnificent character

  2. Oh damn, I didn’t think any alien could be hotter than Locus (well, except perhaps Predator and Michael the Wraith… nevermind ! ^^) but this Captain is too hot for words ! Just like a kind of dominant version of Locus. I can’t wait to read this !

  3. Hello Cody…

    Awww, thanks so much for the very kind message. I really appreciate that. I’m so glad you enjoy Locus and his adventures so much… I personally think a series of Locus comics would be great fun too. As I said, i would totally jump at the occasion. Let’s hope the first issue sells well enough to warrant me making more! :D

    Hugz + kisses,
    Patrick XOXOX

  4. Hello Gâ-L…

    Lovely to hear from you, my dear. Thank you so much for your kind words and enthusiasm over this book. Captain Beedal is quite a hottie, and he’s a fun contrast to Locus in the book. I am hoping that readers will like him as much as I like drawing him.

    Glad to see you’re taken by him! LOL! That’s wonderful! XD

    Hugz + kisses,
    Patrick XOXOX

  5. John Liddiard says

    Patrick you seem to have excelled yourself yet again.
    Can’t wait to find out what happens to the lean green sex machine this time
    Cheers Mate

  6. Leon/UrbanMusiq says

    Can’t wait for this!! Awesome job once again Mr.fillion!! :)

    *big hugs*

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